Got and Idea and need help to make it happen Alex Frith is available to discuss your project in person or via zoom. Alex has a vast experience in a wide range of equipment and circus disciplines . working on large scale circus shows with Franco Dragone, Lond of the Rings the musical in London and Matilda the musical, to small 121 sessions with artists looking to get a new circus act off the ground. Recently we taught Chris Hemsworth how to climb a rope for the the Disney + Limmetless documentary . Drop me a call on 0427234703 to discuss your ideas or book a session and I will be in contact very soon.
1 hour will be a good start to get and idea for your project.
2 hours we can delve right in and practically develop the project you are looking at.
3 hours can give us the time to set some ideas and come up with a solid plan to bring your ideas to life.
looking forward to working with you.